Arrested Development originally aired on the Fox Network (Fox Broadcasting Corporation) from November 2003 to February 2006. 20th Century Fox owns the rights to all four seasons of the series.
The network is teased several times in Arrested Development, including the fictitious FOX 6 affiliate based out of Newport Beach.
- World's Worst Drivers is a knock at Fox's array of low-brow reality TV shows. ("My Mother, the Car")
- Michael and G.O.B. attempt to break into the prison using a hand-drawn blueprint on G.O.B.'s stomach, an homage to the new Fox show Prison Break, in the aptly named episode "Prison Break-In".
- Buster mentions that he prefers Skating with Celebrities, a real-life show that replaced Arrested Development's Monday night time-slot during the third season. ("Motherboy XXX")